MSFDN Mindset

When chasing your dreams, mentality plays a crucial role. Two mindsets shape our outlook on life:
The scarcity mindset and an abundance mindset, and understanding these two mindsets and shifting your mentality from negative to positive will impact your journey toward success.
Scarcity Mindset:
The scarcity mindset is the belief that resources and opportunities in the world are limited, and those with this mindset may feel that someone’s gain and success are their loss, which creates a sense of fear, jealousy, constant comparison, and competition. These are often associated with the mindset and obstructing someone’s personal growth.
Abundance Mindset:
An abundance Mindset is someone embracing that there are enough resources and opportunities for everyone. Having this mindset means you understand and recognize that someone else’s achievements and success don’t affect your potential for success. Someone with this mindset will not feel threatened but will celebrate the accomplishments of others. The abundance mindset encourages a more collaborative approach, a different outlook on life, and a sense of fulfilment.
Shifting your mindset:
Reflecting on your mindset is the first step to shifting from a negative to a positive. If you find yourself in a scarcity mindset, here are some strategic ways to change that:
Celebrate others’ success instead of viewing someone else as a competition or a threat.
Focus on your personal growth.
Surround yourself with positive people and other influences.
Shifting from a scarcity to an abundance mindset can have a positive effect when chasing your dreams. Accepting the belief that there is enough for everyone and seeing other achievements as positive can help you unlock your potential for success.
@msfdnofficial These are the two types of mindsets you have when it comes to chasing your dreams and how to work towards shifting your mindset to positivity💫 which mindset do you have? #mindset #scarcitymindset #abdundantmindset #scarcity #howtochangeyourmind #howtochangeyourmindset #lifeskills #creative #creativity #career #msfdnofficial #explore #express #elevate #exploreexpresselevate